Three key benefits to purchasing pre-owned office furniture | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
Lewis Myler, Recycle Scotland
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Three key benefits to purchasing pre-owned office furniture

By Lewis Myler, Recycle Scotland 

At Recycle Scotland, we understand the importance of sustainability. We are dedicated to creating a robust marketplace for office furniture reuse and making this easily accessible to businesses all across Scotland.

So, why buy pre-owned office furniture? Here are 3 key benefits of taking a circular approach to furnishing your workplace:   

You'll have a greener office 

Buying used office furniture is a sustainable and responsible decision that can significantly reduce your office carbon footprint and contribute to fighting environmental challenges. Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) estimate that a staggering 1.2 million office desks and 1.8 million chairs end up in landfill each year. These statistics demonstrate that there is an urgency in needing to find solutions to tackle this excess waste. So, when you invest in used, good-quality furniture, you commit to helping solve this problem. 

Buying sustainably also means that you support any internal net-zero carbon or ESG commitments, showing your company’s dedication to reducing its own impact on the environment. This also creates opportunities for other businesses to follow suit, encouraging others to adopt the same practices by demonstrating the value of taking a sustainable, circular approach to furnishing your office. 

You’ll save money 

Good quality used products are a great, economical solution for businesses. Pre-owned office furniture typically costs 60% less than its brand-new counterpart, making it a practical, cost-effective solution for businesses looking to save costs in their procurement process. This cost saving can be reinvested into other areas of the business, including sustainability initiatives. 

There is, however, still often a misconception that used furniture is of low quality and in poor condition. At Recycle Scotland, this is never the case. We are committed to providing high-quality used furniture for our clients and we thoroughly assess all items that we receive to ensure that it meets a stringent set of criteria for quality and condition. Our team of experts meticulously examines each piece of furniture before sourcing these for other suitable clients. This rigorous evaluation process ensures that we only provide furniture that is in excellent condition and of the highest quality. Our approach is not simply a transaction – it’s a quality service. 

You'll help the circular economy grow 

An increasing number of organisations are recognising the benefits and value of the circular economy, including the part they can play by reusing, repurposing, or reengineering where possible to extend the lifetime of a product. Engaging in a circular economy aligns with the growing trend of corporate social responsibility and provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate ethical and environmentally friendly business practices.

By embracing circular economy principles in your business, you cater to this growing demand for sustainable products and services. Purchasing pre-owned furniture means that your business will help the circular economy grow by:

  • Reducing waste produced in manufacturing new products, therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Using resources more efficiently by repurposing materials that would otherwise be sent to landfill 

Overall, taking a circular approach to workplace furniture offers a range of benefits for businesses, including reducing waste, saving money, and supporting a circular economy. Head to our website to view some of our current stock or get in touch to discuss your specific requirements and allow us to source the ideal solution for you. Let's join hands in building a more sustainable future. Contact me at

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