Paid Work Placements - Greater Pollok Services | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
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Paid Work Placements - Greater Pollok Services

Why was the Paid Work Placement programme of interest to you?

Paid Work Placements has enabled us to employ a much-needed volunteer support worker.

Why did you select your chosen candidate and how have they adapted during their placement?

Kieran is an outstanding candidate. Kieran was already volunteering and supporting residents of Pollok through his Sports Forever foundation. Kieran continues to be a presence in the community and continues to support our volunteers.

What support has the participant received during their work placement?

Alongside financial support, we have been able to have weekly meetings to discuss our work. Kieran has taken part in training and numerous community meetings.

What are the participant's aspirations at the end of the placement?

To continue in his role.

Are there any highlights or achievements so far from the participant's placement you would like to share?

Kieran has established a bereavement group. He continues to run sports clubs and cold-water therapy sessions.

Quote from participant about their placement

"This work placement has truly changed my working career as I have been able to stick to this job as I absolutely love being part of the team prior to securing this work placement, I couldn’t keep a job, and my employment history was extremely erratic. This opportunity gave me some consistency and a true lifeline as I was just in and out of the doctors previously - as of now I’m feeling so much better both mentally and physically."

CLICK HERE for further information on Paid Work Placements.

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