Scots law firm donates more than £4,000 to good causes | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce
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Scots law firm donates more than £4,000 to good causes

Leading law firm Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP (WJM) has continued its annual tradition of supporting good causes by donating more than £4,314 to six local charities.

The charities benefiting from this year's donation include Refuweegee, Edinburgh Food Project, Trussell Trust in Glasgow, Start-up Stirling in Stirling, Dunfermline Food Bank, and Blythswood Care in Inverness, charities located within the firm’s five office areas.  

Each of the selected charities play a crucial role in addressing various social challenges, from providing food security to offering support services to vulnerable individuals and families.

Fraser Gillies, Managing Partner at WJM, said: “In the face of the ongoing cost of living crisis, it's more crucial than ever for businesses to step up and support those who are most vulnerable.

“It is important for businesses like ours to put a bit back into the communities in which we live and work, and we can only hope that our contribution will provide some relief and support to those who are struggling to make ends meet.”

He added: “We are proud to help contribute to these admirable organisations, who play a vital role in providing assistance and support to those in need."

For more information on WJM go to

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