For employers | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

For employers

Paid Work Placements 5Paid Work Placements Programme Partners

If your organisation would benefit from a Paid Work placement, read about the eligibility criteria and how to apply below. 

Who can host a placement?

Placements are open to public, private and third (or voluntary) sector employers in the city. At least 50% of the posts will be in the third or voluntary sector. The business must be based within a Glasgow City Council postcode and have the capacity to host a person on placement for up to a maximum of six months.

Placements are limited, and we will prioritise organisations that can provide a quality placement opportunity and where there is a high chance of the employee sustaining employment at the end of the programme. 

This could be because the employer is likely to be able to keep them on or because they will leave with a qualification or training in a field with high demand. 

What costs can be covered?

Employers can claim the following costs associated with hosting the placement:

  • Wages at Real Living Wage, currently £12.00 per hour, for up to 550 hours
  • Corresponding National Insurance contributions
  • Corresponding employer pension contributions at 3%
  • Up to £500 for uniforms, equipment needed by the employee and any supervision costs incurred by the employer

All costs must be claimed retrospectively, providing evidence of expenditure (e.g. payslips, invoices, bank statements)

There is also a £250 allowance for the employee to undertake relevant vocational or industry-specific qualifications. 

What other support is available to employers?

Employers will also receive support from partners with the candidate’s recruitment and any adjustments necessary for the employee to engage in work. 

What do I need to be able to create a placement?

Before being eligible for placement, an employer must:

  • Have appropriate Employers Liability Insurance – we will ask you for proof of this as part of the application process.
  • Comply with current and future Equality and Diversity legislation and policies, ensuring equal opportunities policies are implemented in the workplace.
  • Comply with all current Health and Safety Legislation and ensure the employee receives relevant written health and safety instructions.
  • Ensure an easily accessible grievance procedure is in place and clearly explained to each employee.
  • Comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations (May 2018). This applies to data sharing, transfer and retention.
  • Be able to provide the PWP employee with written Contract of Employment or Terms and Conditions of Employment that complies with legislation - we will ask you to provide a sample of this as part of the application process.
  • Be able to process the PWP employee’s salary via your payroll system and provide evidence of this eg payslips and BACS evidence of payment being made to the individual in order to re-claim these costs.

If you are successful in receiving a placement, you must ensure that the placement employee:

  • Receives a job offer letter
  • Receives a copy of their Job Description
  • Is entitled to the same conditions of employment as your other employees
  • Receives a written Contract of Employment or Terms and Conditions of Employment
  • Participates in induction training within two weeks of starting their job
  • Receives appropriate on-the-job training to enable them to carry out their role adequately. We also encourage employers to provide all appropriate training in line with their policies
  • Receives support and supervision 

What if I have a candidate in mind?

Anyone who takes up a placement through the programme must meet the eligibility requirements and be approved to join. If you are an employer who has already identified a suitable employee, you can tell us about them. They’ll need to apply and fit the eligibility requirements (see below for the application process for participants). On approval, they will then be able to apply for your vacancy.   

How do I apply to create a placement?

Paid Work Placements - Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (


If you have any questions about your application or would like more information about the Paid Work Placements programme, please contact

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