Glasgow Zine Library | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

Glasgow Zine Library

Glasgow Zine Library

Why was the Paid Work Placement programme of interest to you?

We are a community library and arts space and were interested in the placement programme for two reasons. First, we want to support those in our community to develop new skills, experience, and confidence to enter the cultural sector. Second, because we were looking for extra support with community engagement in the lead up to our annual festival.

Why did you select your chosen candidate and how have they adapted during their placement?

We chose our candidate because he was clearly passionate about what we do, and was looking to gain the kinds of skills and experience we can help him develop. He has adapted well to our organisation, bringing enthusiasm, a friendly, welcoming attitude, and organising community arts events with us.

What support has the participant received during their work placement?

The participant was supported by a variety of staff to learn different skills, including our Programme Producers who supported him to organise events, library staff who supported him to do front-facing library work, and an Outreach Coordinator who involved him in our outreach work. He was also line managed by our co-Directors. Further training is to be confirmed.

What are the participant's aspirations at the end of the placement?

Louis would “really like to continue in the cultural sector, hopefully somewhere as authentic as gzl or maybe something more music focused. But working with zines has made a big impact on how I think about creativity so it would be interesting to find something related I can continue with.”

Are there any highlights or achievements so far from the participant's placement you would like to share?

A highlight of the placement was an event Louis organised, a Hidden Herbals workshop. Our community delivery partner said: “I had the pleasure of working with Louis Jamieson during his time at Glasgow Zine Library, he was event organiser and host for my Hidden Herbal's workshop on Friday 24 May 2024. From the start, he was friendly, professional, and really easy to work with. He collaborated well and really helped talk through and designed the workshop, followed up with all the information and details needed and its testimony to his hard work that the event sold out so quickly. During the workshop, he was really relaxed and friendly, helped set up the space up in a friendly stress-free way (which can be a rare skill with even the most experienced event organisers!), was a great host, welcoming participants and making sure they had everything they needed. He perfectly timed stepping in to demonstrate practical elements of the workshop and supported participants throughout. I would not hesitate to recommend employing or working with Louis, he was great to work with and calm and friendly throughout. I look forward to working with him again in the future.”

Quote from participant about their placement

“I’ve really enjoyed working with The Glasgow Zine Library and it’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know everyone over the time I’ve been here. I couldn’t have asked for a better placement and it’s been really rewarding working in a creative environment.”

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