CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

17 Jun 2020

Test and Protect should be top priority

By Stuart Patrick, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive FROM the very beginning of the Covid-19 crisis we have been hearing concerns…

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10 Jun 2020

Politics irrelevant to business owners trying to survive

By Stuart Patrick, Chief Executive Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Today is the last day an employee can be newly furloughed under the Job Rete…

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03 Jun 2020

COP26 boost puts climate back on the agenda

By Alison McRae Senior Director at Glasgow Chamber of Commerce It was some well-timed and much needed good news to confirm the rescheduled …

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27 May 2020

Four-day weeks will not rebuild the economy

I MANAGED a wry smile when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon expressed her support for introducing a four-day working week. I was tempted to sa…

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20 May 2020

Bone-headed language around virus support for business has to end

By Stuart Patrick, chief executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce The language used to characterise the business community’s current strugg…

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15 May 2020

Evolving furlough scheme continues to succeed

By Stuart Patrick Chief Executive Glasgow Chamber of Commerce When the Chancellor on Tuesday announced the extension of furloughing until t…

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