CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

06 Jun 2016

Think Digital and “shake things up gently”

We meet many colourful characters at the Chamber. But one guy recently turned our heads as he arrived in his tartan Vivien Westwood coat and…

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31 May 2016

A new route to cleaning up the city

Life at the Chamber is hugely varied because our members are diverse - large and small and from all sectors. But there are some issues raise…

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27 May 2016

Driverless cars - a tangible option for the future?

I enjoy driving my own car as much as anyone. I appreciate the convenience and the comfort. But I’ve started to question how long this will …

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24 May 2016

Your international Chamber – putting Glasgow out there

One of the main priorities for the Chamber this year is to increase our international connections. We want to help our members in building b…

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19 Apr 2016

Manufacturing – an intensive debate required

The recent problems of the UK steel industry have resurrected an old debate about the role of manufacturing in our economy.  For Glasgow th…

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07 Apr 2016

Three days in the Big Apple – and much to follow up on

By Richard Muir, Glasgow Chamber Deputy Chief Executive  Chamber President Neil Amner and I recently joined a party of senior people from G…

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