CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

13 Aug 2015

Bright outlook for Glasgow tourism

Back to work after a summer holiday spent mostly in Berlin making stuttering attempts to learn the language, and listening acutely to the di…

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03 Jul 2015

Howard Commission sets out its views

You may already know that the Chamber chose to support Heathrow Airport in their bid for the additional runaway capacity that is needed arou…

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23 Jun 2015

New Thermo Fisher plant is a vertical investment with a difference

Any fans of the classic movie The Italian Job will know that much of the film’s action is set in Turin.  In one scene the three Minis with a…

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23 Jun 2015

Chambers who make a world of difference to their communities

I mentioned in the previous blog that the Chamber went across to Turin to compete at the World Chamber of Commerce Congress - shortlisted in…

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03 Jun 2015

City Deal – we’ll keep you in touch with project tender detail

City Deal projects are now spending and are appearing on the Public Scotland Contracts procurement portal for businesses to bid against. On…

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03 Jun 2015

City centre growth as important as ever

We think the city centre matters to the success of Glasgow and so with the guidance of the City Council’s City Centre Strategy Board, we are…

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