CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

15 Aug 2014

An uplifting celebration of all that’s special about Glasgow

This week I took part in the judging panel for the Inspiring City Awards, which we deliver in partnership with the Herald - in association w…

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01 Aug 2014

Pride in the Clyde a Games highlight

Along with 49,999 other souls, I had a ticket for the Rugby 7s at Ibrox last Sunday - I distinctly remember saying a year ago that there was…

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25 Jul 2014

Glasgow – A Robust Economic Powerhouse

Every day during the Commonwealth Games, Glasgow Chamber is holding Warm Up breakfast meetings at Scotland House, the Merchant City home bas…

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16 Jul 2014

Expectation builds as the Games draw near

I'm just back from annual leave in Germany (wow, were the Germans embracing the World Cup!) and we are now on the cusp of the Commonwealth G…

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27 Jun 2014

Currency conundrum is key in independence debate

I promised earlier in June that we would be publishing a series of blogs looking at referendum issues important to Chamber members or to the…

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09 Jun 2014

Referendum - now the end game begins

So we are now into the final stretch of the marathon that has been the Scottish constitutional referendum campaign. The last 16 weeks will b…

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