Which certificate should I use for exports to Iran?
You will have to use an UK Certificate of Origin for Iran (as they are not part of Arab League of States).
What other types of documents can be certified or legalised?
Any commercial documents required for international trade such as: Power of Attorney, Distributor Agreement, Health Certificate, Certificate of Free Sale, Trademark Certificate, Commercial Contract, Article of Association, Certificate of Incorporation etc.
The above documents will only be certified or legalised if they show country of destination, either within the body of the text or handwritten on the reverse of the document “for use in ” (in pen).
Please note that we can only certify or legalise original documents. Copies can also be processed, provided that they have been certified as “true copy of the original document” by a Notary Public or Solicitor.
Do I have to show the manufacturers names and addresses on the front of the Arab Certificate of Origin?
Yes. The name and address should be prefixed with ‘manufactured by’.
Can I get extra copies of the Arab Certificates certified?
Yes, however, you will need to apply for additional copies when applying for an Arab British Certificate online and have them issued at the same time as the originals.
Can I have an UK Certificate legalised by an Arab League embassy?
No, you must use an Arab Certificate of Origin if embassy legalization is required.
Can I have an UK Certificate for an Arab destinations?
Yes, Indemnity wording will automatically be added to the reverse of the application when you apply online. You must confirm with your client whether an UK Certificate of Origin will be sufficient to clear the goods (as Arab COs should be used for Arab League destinations). It is advisable that you obtain this confirmation in writing to minimise any disputes (with your client) if the goods fail to clear Customs at the destination.
Which certificate should I use for exports to Egypt?
You will have to use an UK Certificate of Origin for Egypt (as they are not part of Arab League of States).
How do I complete an Arab British Certificate of Origin