CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

06 Sep 2019

Good news for Glasgow in a bad political week

Odd though it may sound to say so in the current political circumstances, it has been a pretty good last week or so for Glasgow.  Two milest…

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22 Aug 2019

Counting cranes - a sign of the city’s success

Crane count is globally recognised as a way of quickly gauging the current investment success, or otherwise, of city centres. It might not …

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22 Jul 2019

There is no wrong path to success…..#NoWrongPath

By Dr Nicola Crawford, Programme Director, Developing the Young Workforce Glasgow It’s almost that time again. Scottish Exam Results Day 20…

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09 Jul 2019

Red Tree Magenta success is East End spirit lifter

Celebrating the opening of a new commercial property investment in Glasgow is guaranteed to lift my spirits and there was one from last week…

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02 Jul 2019

Scottish Enterprise goes back to the future with return of place making

Last month Scottish Enterprise released its new plans for the next three years and place making has returned after over 10 years as a low pr…

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12 Mar 2019

Glasgow builds on MIPIM platform as Brexit deadline nears

Is this the week when the shape of the Brexit deal finally emerges or do we face yet another delay?  Either way whilst all the possible vot…

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