CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

14 Feb 2019

Glasgow - City of Innovation

Buried away in the Centre for Cities Outlook 2019 report for the 63 largest cities and towns across the UK is an encouraging signal of Glasg…

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19 Dec 2018

Chief Exec Blog: Banning cars from city centre is not the answer

The first of two scheduled reports was recently published by the independent Glasgow Connectivity Commission on the future of the city’s tra…

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07 Nov 2018

Glasgow steps up contact with its Chinese twin

It’s almost always the case that a visit to China leaves your jaw bouncing off the pavement. And so it was once again when I joined the civi…

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17 Oct 2018

Glasgow will remain bigger than Edinburgh

Glasgow will still be a bigger city than Edinburgh in 20 years' time. It is Scotland’s largest and only truly metropolitan city, and contrar…

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10 Oct 2018

Scotland’s Urban Age report – what Stuart Patrick said at the launch

For the first time in human history more people live in cities than the countryside - by 2050 it could be 70% of the global population. Sco…

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17 Sep 2018

Time for a City Deal 2 with business participation

From the beginning of the City Deal Glasgow Chamber of Commerce has been supportive of its aims to increase economic output and expand job n…

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