CE and Management Team Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

CE and Management Team Blogs

21 Mar 2014

Hopeful signs and stark messages

Up and ready on Wednesday morning for a short interview at 7am with Good Morning Scotland on the prospects for the Budget being announced th…

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13 Mar 2014

Could a Glasgow city region be Scotland’s “dark star”?

I recently made a brief visit last week to London - or the 'dark star' as I understand we must now consider it - to attend a seminar on urba…

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06 Mar 2014

Employers want to help solve youth employment crisis

A big Chamber thanks goes to the 18 folk of the Youth Employment Action Group (YEAG).  Over the last 14 months they have carried out a caref…

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06 Mar 2014

Air strategy assurances welcome - but fast moves on airport trams needed

Back in December I wrote to the Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, asking three questions about the Scottish Government's purchase of P…

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03 Mar 2014

Clyde Corridor regeneration must be backed

Is the Scottish Government reducing its emphasis on the Clyde Corridor?  Reading the most recent National Planning Framework (NPF) you would…

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19 Feb 2014

Racism has no place in our city

Finding out that the team that brought us The Scheme, Scotland's own version of Benefits Street, had decided its next topic was to be one of…

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