Member Blogs | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

Member Blogs

08 Feb 2024

National Apprenticeship Week 2024 - ScottishPower Apprentice Blogs

In National Apprenticeship Week, some of ScottishPower's apprentices have shared their thoughts and stories: I have enjoyed the variety of …

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07 Feb 2024

What should you be looking for in a Financial Planner?

By Kelly Shek, Financial Planner at AAB Wealth I would be the first to admit that my introduction to the financial planning profession was …

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05 Feb 2024

Reclaiming National Insurance contributions on car allowances – have the rules changed?

By Niamh McKenna, AAB When it comes to NIC on car allowances- we would always advise that you don’t leave money in HMRC’s pot. HMRC have no…

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17 Jan 2024

Have you really reported all of your income to HMRC?

By Kevin Winters, Personal Tax Expert, Brodies LLP  The beginning of a new year is generally met with enthusiasm by most, often in the hope…

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01 Dec 2023

Generation What? – Why we look for individual not stereotyped talent

By Martin Osler, Chief People Officer, Johnston Carmichael  Given all of the conversations about how allegedly challenging it is to engage …

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07 Nov 2023

Empowering Women in Science: A Call to Action on World Science Day

By Julie Moulsdale, Managing Director, Perceptive Communicators  This week celebrates World Science Day on 10 November. Working with many s…

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